
Thursday, January 3, 2008

363 Days Left to Read!

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Last week we talked about the books you liked best from 2007. So this week, what with it being a new year, and all, we’re looking forward….

What new books are you looking forward to most in 2008? Something new being published this year? Something you got as a gift for the holidays? Anything in particular that you’re planning to read in 2008 that you’re looking forward to? A classic, or maybe a best-seller from 2007 that you’re waiting to appear in paperback?

I wish I could say I knew what was coming out in 2008, but being in graduate school I am only now getting around to reading the book reviews from Sept - Dec 2007. I read three or four of them yesterday, in fact. But my teetering tower of a TBR list is not suffering despite that and the remaining 363 days of 2008 are holding out some pretty tantalizing carrots: more William Maxwell, more Sarah Salway, Darkmans and The Bone People for Dewey's Man Booker Challenge, being forced to finally read Natasha's Fire and Kapuscinski's Imperium for the Russian Reading Challenge, Daniel Deronda, the new Oliver Sacks, a biography of Thomas Jefferson, and maybe I'll finally get around to Buddenbrooks too.


  1. Heh, I'm just getting caught up on reading my book review magazines and such now myself. Just in time for school to start on Monday!

  2. Heh, I don't think it's possible to 'catch up' on reading if you're a true book addict.

  3. I'm looking forward to reading several books on my shelves this year. I have also ordered The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, which will be my first Sacks book. It looks like a fascinating read.

  4. S - I'm glad to say my break from classes lasts a bit longer than your's! Although we're back in the lab already.

    H - Too true.

    V - The Man Who Mistook (and An Anthropologist on Mars) are both great introductions to Sacks - such a humane writer!

  5. You reminded me. I have to read for those Russian Challenge which I so foolishly joined!

    Booking through anticipation

  6. Only 363 days left? Pass me a book, someone, quickly!

  7. That Russian reading challenge looks very ambitious! Have fun with that and the others you have joined! Happy BTT!

  8. I think I'm most looking forward to just taming TBR Mountain. Pretty much everything in that beast is something I really want to read!

  9. Good luck with your reading challenges!
