
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Eating through Thursday

btt button

Okay, even I can’t read ALL the time, so I’m guessing that you folks might voluntarily shut the covers from time to time as well… What else do you do with your leisure to pass the time? Walk the dog? Knit? Run marathons? Construct grandfather clocks? Collect eggshells?

Leisure time? What leisure time? I'm in grad school. But there are some other things I do in order to avoid doing what I should be doing. Walking, yoga (when I'm a good boy), cooking and eating really yummy food, or eating it out, or just eating in general (but it has to be good), making and drinking tea, exploring wines, going to the theater (but I used to much more), watching movies - mostly from the library and so mostly at home, listening to music, playing the piano.


  1. I am learning to play the Yamaha keyboard. It is taking me ages!

  2. Your displacement activities sound pretty satisfying!

  3. I love eating too! No, I'm not a slob who eats all the time, but I do enjoy eating my favourite food.

    Yeah, there's not much extraordinary things to do actually if i'm not reading. Just normal stuff like what you mentioned - movies, music, and food!

  4. This week's BTT question was really fun. It's interesting to see what everyone likes doing with the rest of their free time.
