Watching: We've been getting into the BBC television versions of Ruth Rendell's books. They call them mysteries, but they're not classic who-dunnits. Some of them are more like Patricia Highsmith stories. And they frequently have good actors in them like Colin Firth and Phoebe Nicholls.
Listening: To the late, great Lorraine Hunt Lieberson
Surfing: Super Dilettante, Absorbed in Words, Ivan Terestchenko, Science-Based Medicine, Words to Eat By
Learning: These last few weeks I have been interested by my class readings and lectures on different theories of what defines a 'self,' by thinkers such as William James, Roy Baumeister, Erving Goffman, Hazel Markus, and Dan McAdams.
So, what's new with you?
Bittman is one of my favs! I'll have to try this recipe. Thanks for posting the You Tube link. Hunt Lieberson had such a fantastic voice. I wish that I had had the opportunity to see her perform in person.
Hi Cam! It's a great recipe, it surprised me how thin the batter actually was to make them turn out right. Hunt Liberson in-person was awe inspiring. What a presence that woman had.
I have to get that Mark Bittman book, I need to lose some weight after this hernia, and that's my preferred method.
And yes, loved Hunt Leiberson. Did you get to see the Audition doc about the Met Council finals? Fascinating.
I'm not sure Mark Bittman will get you to lose weight, but you will enjoy preparing what you eat. I didn't see that documentary, having sat through 9 years of Juilliard auditions, and having colleagues on both ends of the Met auditions, I'm afraid it wouldn't have quite the entertainment value for me that it does for you!
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