Drinking: Umathum Zweigelt, 2007 - a dry, medium-bodied red wine from Austria with the taste of purple fruits, herbs, and stones.
Watching: I've been enjoying my favorite cooking show from the BBC on You Tube. Ready, Steady, Cook! Really the full-length segments one can stream on You Tube (but cannot be embedded here) are much more enjoyable to watch than those that can be found divided into parts.
Listening: The trio from Act III of Der Rosenkavalier (this audio from the recent Met broadcast):
Surfing: BLOG, A Home for Paper Trimmings, Good God! There's writing on both sides of that paper, My Porch
Learning: I learned from the wonderful Carl Sagan not how to imagine the fourth dimension per se, but how at least to think about it:
hat tip: BLOG
So, what's new with you?
what an interesting post you have here! honey, check. wine, check. never have seen ready steady cook though. oh and carl sagan, while i'm not a huge fan, he is the hubby's favourite. will gve him the heads up.
Aloi - Glad you enjoyed the latest in my Novelies series. Ready, Steady, Cook is a ton of fun - look it up!
Thanks for posting the clip of Der Rosenkavalier -- reminds me that I need to find out when/if it is being rebroadcast since I missed the HD performance. Did make it to Carmen (luckily someone gave me a ticket as the theatre was sold out!). Was the best Carmen I've ever seen.
Bought a Ready Steady Cook cookbook a few years ago when in GB. I'll have to get it out as it's been awhile since I've looked through it. And I'll be sure to check out the shows on YouTube.
Cam - I found Der Rosenkavalier incredible for Renee Fleming's performance. Susan Graham wasn't so bad either and that was her last Octavian, she's retiring the role. But I have to say that I found the production old fashioned pomp with no substance whatever. It was very unskilled at telling a story through behavior. I have heard that the Carmen was great. He's a wonderful director. Unfortunately I did not get to see it prior to Olga Boradina taking over the title role. I think now that I'll wait until a future season when the woman who created the role returns.
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