Imani, Dewey, Siew, Sheila, Loose Baggy Monster, Eva, Nyssaneala, and me, featuring Milton, Prevert, Plath, Yevtushenko, Whitman, Sexton, and many others. Thank you for participating and sharing such great poems with us. If you have any feedback for me on the challenge please let me know. Some of the participants are still posting, so I'll keep the directory on my side bar up for the next few weeks so you can continue to check in with them through my site, if you haven't bookmarked them already.
Thanks for hosting! It was a lot of fun-I think I'm going to start posting a poem a week. It's always good to have more poetry in your life! :)
Thanks for hosting! I have yet to post the last 2 of my poems, things were really crazy this weekend, but they will be going up really soon.
I'm so glad you guys participated. I'm looking forward to those remaining poems - it's good to have an excuse to draw out an enjoyable thing!
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