Sunday, August 31, 2008

Progress Notes and a Challenge

C.B. and Dakota are offering us a short story challenge in September. Prizes are offered - join in!
This has had the unfortunate consequence of adding a book to my concise list for the fall (truth be told, I have added two and it took only a week and one day). At least the short story volume, The Dead Fish Museum by Charles D'Ambrosio, was on my TBR pile. It comes highly recommended by The Elegant Variation so I can blame that one on Mark. The other is the novel In the Land of No Right Angles by Daphne Beal. For that one I have only myself to blame. Which leaves the list:

Jude the Obscure
(in progress)
Among the Russians
Proust and the Squid

Red Cavalry (in progress)
The Solitudes (
started, don't know if I'll get through it)
Rhythms of the Brain
Neuroscience of Cognitive Development
(in progress)
The Dead Fish Museum
In the Land of No Right Angles

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