The fantastical struggle against evil in Garth Nix's Abhorsen Trilogy came to an exciting conclusion in the ultimate volume. Nix does a good job with satisfying coming of age fiction as I mentioned in the last post. In this book I was aware how, through the trilogy he had created an enveloping mythology for his alternate world that includes not just your usual run-of-the-mill forces of darkness but a creation-story, an afterlife, and a variety of races or tribes which, in the conclusion he whips into a raucous conclusion. My post on Lirael is here and Sabriel here. And the end of this fantasy means I'm supposed to return to my homework, boo-hoo.
I absolutely loved this trilogy, and found each book to be even better than the last.
Heather - The third did have a rip-roaring conclusion, and it was a good spring-break diversion.
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