After about 10 hours of studying yesterday and 7 today I rewarded myself with a biography of Thomas Jefferson
American Sphinx recommended by
Ghost Map - Steven Johnson's recent book about the London Cholera outbreak, and a collection of short stories
The Dead Fish Museum by Charles D'Ambrosio both of which I read about at
The Elegant Variation.

and a little:
Can't wait to hear your thoughts on American Sphinx! Joseph Ellis is a WONDERFUL writer (and he blogs, too!) - and he wrote one of my favorite histories of the American Revolution - a book called The Founding Brothers. He's written bios of John Adams, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (which you now own). Wonderful writer - and his analysis of Jefferson's original drafts of the Declaration - and how the edits of Ben Franklin (et al) improved it ... are soooo fascinating.
I love rewarding myself with books. :) Congrats on all that studying!
s - I probably won't get to it until December, but I'm looking forward to it. I have never read a biography of him before and I wanted a good recent one. Plus I have two of Benjamin Franklin sitting on the pile - I just love him! America's original free spirit.
I mean, what other founding father wrote an entire pamphlet about FARTING?
Love Ben Franklin.
I think that was a very well deserved reward :)
Eva & Iliana - Thanks for supporting my indulgence. Can we ever have too many books? I think not.
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