Amid the violent storms and election returns I received a nice package including the final book in the Tales of the Otori series, highly recommended by both Annie and Sheila, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, A Private Affair which the Dovegreyreader wrote about recently, and Electricity which I heard about from Scott Pack. I also heard from the library that three of my requests are ready for pickup - The Bone People, one of my choices for the Booker Challenge based on Sheila's enthusiasm, Season of the Witch, I don't remember who lead me to that one, and finally Full Dark House, also recommended by Scott Pack. I'll walk over and pick them up today. Whew - an embarrassment of riches.
Last night, after that bright blue book in the pile pictured above had weighed my eyelids down, I looked forward to paging through my new arrivals to find the next book. I opened Electricity by Ray Robinson and it grabbed me by the throat and wouldn't let go. Uncle! Lily O'Connor is the epileptic narrator - edgy and tough - her voice insistent. The electric jolts of her disease find their representation in print in a novel way. From what I've read so far, time appears to proceed backwards. It looks like this will be a good one. That's 2-for-2, Scott!
Now it's time for some more of that bright blue book. Come on, I say to myself, you can do it.
1 comment:
I'll be very interested to see what you think of The Bone People. I read it last year and it was an interesting experience. I won't say much more than that.
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