I discovered artist Jacob Whibley while trolling around this morning. I particularly like his collages (left).
Hat tip: scout holiday
Of Books and Bicycles muses on her summer reading plans to get her through the end of the semester. I'm planning on The Pickwick Papers for my annual Dickens novel, Middlemarch, and Revolution on my Mind for the Russian Reading Challenge, which has sadly ended up on the back burner lately.
Scott Pack rants on the Times Top 50 Crime Writers (list freaks - go forth and be outraged). Have you noticed that whenever someone draws up a literary list it provokes nothing but rants and raves? I include myself in this. I've yet to read someone post a list and say something like, 'The Guardian posted this great list of the top 50 books to read before you drop and it's brilliant - I wouldn't change a thing.' Scott makes his case for adding John Connolly, which made me think that I've read nothing of his besides The Book of Lost Things. It may be time to remedy that - any suggestions?
Curious Expeditions who I can always count on for, well... curiousities, taught me about Louis Thomas Jérôme Auzoux, 19th century French anatomist and his paper mache and resin anatomical models, one of which is tucked into the back of an antique shop called Obscura. You know where I'm going this week. That's one of his brains above.
How blind children learn the verb "see" - at the Cognition and Language Lab.
That ought to keep you busy. Happy Sunday.
The younger, the tenderer, I always find.
That just works on so many levels.
Raincoaster- Ha-ha-ha! I really enjoyed that post.
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